I am enough
I do enough
I give enough
I have enough
I am enough.
You are enough
You do enough
You give enough
You have enough
You are enough
In this time where we have the politics of fear and hate everywhere in our media and, in some cases, our communities, how do we feed the truth that we are enough?
I watched in utter disbelief when the current president of my country was elected. How could so many of my countrywomen and countrymen, support someone who behaved such as him? How could they say it was 'just boys being boys' when he talked about women in such a vulgar and belittling manner? Just recently how could our senators support someone for a lifetime appointment to a position where neutrality is key?
I think these things and ask these questions and then in my quiet moments am reminded,
I am enough and you are enough.
So if this is true about me and you, isn't it also true about the President of the United States and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Brett Kavanaugh?
Yes it is.
I may not agree with their political positions nor do I approve of a lifetime appointment for anything but I do agree they are exactly who they are supposed to be.
So how do I feed the belief of enough and not the fear or hate?
I have been pondering the topic of sacred economics since my family visited us in Montana this past summer. Felipe was gracious enough to do a sacred economics workshop at our place on Flathead Lake. It was a beautiful time where we where we were all cared for and cared for each other. We had food, clothing, shelter, laughter and a few tears here and there.
It is moments like those with my family which remind me hope is as free as fear and when things seem darkest it is only because the light is about to shine again.
There is so much more on my heart regarding living a faith based life instead of a fear based life but alas my time to type has come to an end for now.
Dawn Payne
P.S. I am committed to not editing anything I share here so please forgive typos and such or as Felipe so graciously said, no judgement.
with your permission, I will translate your post to the spanish section ok?
and and and... sometimes I have this big urge or thought, that why do so many millions actually billions of people endure scarcity, mysery, hunger, loss of communities, warfare, abuse, no pure water to drink, loss of their way of life, loss of the beauty of nature and wildlife around them... why why why. It hurts.
They are enough too. I'm sure it is not their "fault" (how funny whoever "fault" it is, is he not "enough"?).... why why why
do I feed the thought that their lives are not enough?... and at the same time it is a totally legit feeling. A feeling of responsability and solidarity, because their suffering is so real, no one can say it is not real or not legitimate.
Like Vincent Sufficient in the story about the Dance of Sufficiency and Abundance... When Vincent was fully loved by Alice, he became so sufficient, soooooo ENOUGH, soooooo at peace with himself and with life around him just the way it is, whatever way it is. So enough, that he was free to be himself. Himself in his call, his Soul's call, for the birth of that Real Dream, the one we don't even dare talking about. Yes, that Dream.
That permission, that open door to freedom, that includes the need for radical change. That includes the need to non-adapting to the norm, non-adjusting (no more) to a profoundly sick society. A legit need for real health.
I wonder too, with sincerity, that as I learn of my own sufficiency, my own enoughness, will I keep discovering the divine enoughness in Everyone. I mean, will I, will WE discover keys and sacred hidden things that we can actually share with those who are in need? I mean, it's the least we can do. Those of us who travel have computers drive cars and do whatever we want with our lifes. Could we, one day, share with others a sacred hidden thing, that will open Everyone to their own enoughness, in a real way? Their divine unbreaqueable inner abundance, that once remembered will give Everyone the same freedom.
Because otherwise it is unjust. Because otherwise I am NOT enough. And I know I AM ENOUGH.
Like you sister, no planning, no editing. Our commitment.
ohhhhh this is so precious !!! I will let it sit, how beyond words your expression is energy in motion touching so many things that happen in our lives!!